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We're Updating!

It's spring, so I'm feeling really inspired! We're working on new and exciting things for the 2019 RAPG year. For starters it's time to update this rather stale and neglected Web Page. I've been trying to focus on self-promotion. It's something I'm not very good at, in fact, in the past, I've done everything I can do to avoid it. But I'm inspired now by my new work. I feel focused for both my own business of clay and for the Regina Potters Guild as well.

This is in part to do with the 'Instagram Mini Workshop' that we had for members only on Sunday. Janet Ng, one of our newest and ever-so-enthusiastic members, shared her knowledge of Instagram with us. Her presentation was amazing, as was the wall sized projection that we got to follow along with. It was a great day. Everyone was so positive and excited about the possibilities that Instagram offers. We had a few problems getting everyone set up with an account but persistence won over and I think that we managed to walk everyone through it.

Janet also brought along her camera. A 'good' camera with a tripod! We had light boxes; two of them. Members were able to use one box to take photos of the work they brought with them and Janet patiently took both individual photos and group pics for our Instagram page. For this website....they're for them!

Thanks Janet and Terri for a great day!



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